The Italian Federation of Friends and Past Pupils of Murialdo was established on 12 April 1970 among the Associations of Friends and Past Pupils of the Italian Province of the Murialdo Josephites.


Art. 1
The Italian Federation between the Associations of Friends and Past Pupils of Murialdo has been established since 12.04.1970, hereinafter briefly referred to as the "Federation".

Art. 2
The Italian Federation has its registered office in Rome at the Italian Province of the "Holy Family of Nazareth" of the Giuseppini del Murialdo and operational headquarters at the address of the pro tempore President.

Art. 3
The federation includes all the Associations of Friends and Past Pupils of Murialdo d’Italia which, for a better territorial organization, are structured in three areas called: north-west area, north-east area, central-south area. Made up of lay people, the Federation has its own personality and responsible autonomy.

Art. 4
The Italian Federation makes the charisma of San Leonardo Murialdo its own and recognizes itself in the Murialdo Family, of which it is a part. It is open to any collaboration in harmony with the guidelines of the Church and of the Josephine Congregation.
The Federation has the following aims:

  • work actively in the Josephine Houses and also where the Josephine Fathers carried out their ministry and left a significant lay presence, inviting friends and former students to actively engage in order to bring them experiences and skills in the various sectors of social life, contributing to make them more current and efficient;
  • nourish the permanent Christian formation of its members by stimulating their baptismal vocation, in apostolic service to the Particular Church and to the territory, according to the Josephine spirit and in conformity with the theology of the laity that  emerged in the Second Vatican Council and in subsequent documents of the Church;
  • promote coordination and strengthening initiatives, on a national level, of the activities of the individual ASSOCIATIONS.

Art. 5
The Federation is not for profit; it is non-partisan. It commits its members to participate in the Christian construction of a more just and more dignified society for mankind.

Art. 6
The organs of the Federation are:

  • the Council
  • the President's Office
  • the President.

Art. 7
The Council is the deliberative body and is made up of:

  • the presidents of all the Associations
  • the members of the Presidency Office
  • the former National Presidents.

It meets at least once a year and its meetings are valid with the presence of one third of its members.
The Presidents of the Association may, in case of their impediment, be represented by a written proxy, by a member of their Association or by another President. Each Director can be the bearer of only one proxy.
The relative minutes of the meetings are drawn up by the Secretary and signed by the President.

Art. 8
The Presidency Office is the executive body of the Council's deliberations and is composed of:

  • the President
  • the Coordinators of the three areas elected by the Presidents of the Associations of the respective areas who assume the position of Vice President; the eldest of the elect takes on vicarious functions;
  • from the Secretary;
  • from the National Assistant;
  • from possibly co-opted experts

It meets at least once a year and when requested by the President or a third of its members. It is up to the President's Office to update by March 31 of each year and with reference to the previous year, the list of operational Associations and in order or not with the payment of the membership fee.

The National Assistant, delegated by the Superior of the Italian Province, promotes the collaboration of the Council with the Congregation within the Murialdo Family and animates the path of formation.

It is up to the Council to elect, by secret ballot and with separate votes, the President: For his election, an absolute majority is required for the first ballot: If this majority is not obtained, a second ballot will be carried out by simple majority : In the event of a tie, a ballot will be held between the most successful candidates.

The President is elected from among the members of the Board or among the members proposed by at least three Directors. He remains in office for three years and can be re-elected once again. Represents the Federation in relations with the Congregation, with the Murialdo Family and with the Authorities in National and International Bodies.
He convenes the Presidency Office and chairs its meetings. He oversees the implementation of the resolutions of the President's Office and the National Council. In case of absence or impediment, he is replaced by the Deputy Vice President.

The President chooses the Secretary who, after ratification by the Council, also assumes the function of Treasurer with the right to vote.
The President has the right to set up a collaborative office with the following tasks:

  • information and press;
  • correspondence and exchange of experiences with Associations of other nations

The members of this office may be chosen from among the National Councilors and / or among friends and qualified former students.


Each Association must pay the Federation by and no later than March 31 of each year the membership fee determined by the Council.

The Council, in case of dissolution, allocates the assets of the Federation to the Italian Province of the Josephites of Murialdo.

Modifications to this Statute can be made by the National Council by voting and with a two-thirds majority of its members.
The interpretation of this Statute is delegated to the Council with an additional document or regulation that can be updated with a qualified majority of its members.

Additional document

The areas provided for by art. 3 of the Statute include the regions in which the Giuseppine Works and the Associations of Friends and Past Pupils are present and are divided as follows:

  • North-west area: Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria and Tuscany
  • North-east area: Veneto, Trentino A.A. and Emilia Romagna
  • Central-southern area: Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily.

Immediately after the renewal of the social offices of the Italian Federation, the Presidents of the Associations of the respective areas must elect the coordinator and communicate it to the National President.

The Area Coordinator gathers the Presidents of his area at least once a year for the animation of the Associations according to the guidelines of the National Federation and takes action for the establishment of new Associations in the Works. 

The Italian Federation of Friends and Past Pupils of Murialdo was established on 12 April 1970 among the Associations of Friends and Past Pupils of the Italian Province of the Murialdo Josephites.

The Italian federation makes the charisma of San Leonardo Murialdo its own and recognizes itself in the Murialdo family, of which it is a part; it is open to any collaboration in harmony with the guidelines of the Church and of the Josephine Congregation.

The Federation promotes continuous formation among the members of its associative realities, begun within the Josephan works in the youthful age together with the Fathers, and contributes by example and fraternal help in a spirit of co-responsibility to keep the teaching alive and the charisma of San Leonardo Murialdo.

Openness in sharing to youth issues and missionary attention to those who suffer and live in a situation of hardship and poverty are the basis of our being a federation of Josephite associations.

It has the following aims:

  • to work effectively in the Josephine Houses and also where the Josephine Fathers carried out their ministry and left a significant lay presence, inviting friends and former students to actively engage in order to bring them experiences and skills in the various sectors of social life, helping to make them more current and efficient;
  • nourish the permanent Christian formation of its members by stimulating their baptismal vocation, in apostolic service to the Particular Church and to the territory, according to the Josephine spirit and in conformity with the theology of the laity that emerged in the Second Vatican Council and in subsequent documents of the Church;
  • promotes coordination and strengthening initiatives, on a national and international level, of the activities of the individual Associations or Federations.

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